Nightbreed TV Series & Comix News
Posted by Roger on January 13 2013 22:08:22
With everyone's excitement and sharing news about Occupy Midian and spreading the word about the 'Nightbreed: Cabal Cut' (Director's Cut) it seems like a proposed TV series might actual make it to the small screen.
The more the fans cry out for more, the better the chances are of these things coming about.

Michael Plumides has confirmed on the Occupy Midian Facebook page that:
"We are working closely with Clive Barker, Mark Miller, and Russell Cherrington at Seraphim Films in all aspects of Nightbreed: The film distribution and manufacture of the "Cabal Cut" edition, new character development and story line for the TV show, and concept art. We are also working on a possible Nightbreed comic book reboot."

All great news for fans. The Facebook group can be found on the click-able link here: Occupy Midian