Occupy Midian
Posted by Roger on October 13 2012 10:55:27
What is "Occupy Midian" and how can you help? Read on.

"Occupy Midian" is the movement to get an extended version of the great film "Clive Barker's Nightbreed" released onto Blu-ray and DVD. We are here, we are MANY, and we want to buy it!
What you can do:
Please invite everyone that you think might help champion this cause.
Please sign the petition at: www.ipetitions.com/petition/nightbreed
And please follow our Twitter at www.twitter.com/occupymidian . When you talk about the movement on Twitter, use the hash tag #OccupyMidian .
The official web site for Occupy Midian can be found at http://www.occupymidian.com/
The official Facebook Group is at http://www.facebook.com/groups/occupymidian/
This group is to show Morgan Creek, the current owners of the film "Nightbreed", that there is a high demand for this film to be released in an extended cut as the director and creator Clive Barker originally intended.
Nightbreed's restoration "The Cabal Cut" by Russel Cherrington is done in close cooperation with Seraphim Films and Clive Barker himself.
"Occupy Midian" was a name thought up by Anne Bobby while being interviewed by Ryan at Mad Monster Party first ever Cabal Cut screening for the Clive Barker Podcast. José Leitão, Ryan Danhauser, and Roger Boyes put in many tireless hours to get the Facebook group created and moving along. OM gained an 'official' status when Mark Miller and Russell Cherrington from Clive's Seraphim Films team joined the ranks as part of the ADMIN team.
Since then we have gathered in our ranks original Nightbreed CAST MEMBERS like Anne Bobby (Lori), Hugh Ross (Narcisse), Nicko Vince (Kinski) and Simon Bamford (Ohnaka) as well as several technical crew members as well.
Make sure you attend one of the many planned screenings of the film and get in touch with Morgan Creek to tell them how much you want to see this film! Tell your friends, send letters to specialty magazines, share your passion and your art with us on the FORUM here, Facebook Group, and visit www.occupymidian.com