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Lord Of Illusions - Blu-ray
This is one I really NEED in a special edition Blu-ray.

I am not keen on the cult aspect but to me this is Clive's most well crafted film and engrossing story.
I love all the magic references and if you listen to the commentary track you will hear Clive talk about all the layers he put in this film.

The casting was excellent.
I can't think of anyone else playing Harry besides Scott Backula now.
And Famke... oh Famke... need i say more? Grin
Check out my new horror host book:
"Dr. Paul Bearer's Creature Feature"
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I'm still hoping this will get a nice release.
I'd love to see the Director's Cut in HD.
Check out my new horror host book:
"Dr. Paul Bearer's Creature Feature"
-Horror Host -
I think the big problem with this getting a Blu-ray anytime soon is that MGM is (was?) nearly bankrupt. I remember they were having trouble even getting Bond and The Hobbit rolling, so catalog titles have been sparse.

This is another movie in need of the Shout! Factory treatment. Occupy Nix's Hellmouth...Who's with me?
"We are all imaginary animals." -Domingo d'Ybarrondo, A Bestiary of the Soul
Occupy Nix's Hellmouth...Who's with me?

OK I'm not sure what all that means, but I'm just dealing with the Blu-ray. HEHE
Check out my new horror host book:
"Dr. Paul Bearer's Creature Feature"
-Horror Host -
We were talking about this, but I think once Nightbreed is done, and there's multiple regions, Occupy Midian can turn its sights on Lord of Illusions. Yes, the name doesn't fit, and Roger wanted to start up a whole new site, but to me the reach is more important than the name.
Ryan wrote:

We were talking about this, but I think once Nightbreed is done, and there's multiple regions, Occupy Midian can turn its sights on Lord of Illusions. Yes, the name doesn't fit, and Roger wanted to start up a whole new site, but to me the reach is more important than the name.

There's no reason that both can't be done. They could feed off of each other.
Check out my new horror host book:
"Dr. Paul Bearer's Creature Feature"
-Horror Host -
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