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Clive Barker's Shadows in Eden
Clive Barker's Shadows in Eden

Barker is second only to Stephen King as a writer of horror fiction. He also writes plays (highly imaginative ones, judging by the summaries included here) and draws (but not as well, on the evidence of the many sketches also included). Editor Jones has assembled four dozen interviews and articles, some by Barker himself, to produce the first substantial work on the author. As Jones himself admits, there is some repetition; more damaging is the pieces' uniformly adulatory tone. But there's no mistaking the protean nature of Barker's talent, his enthusiasm, and his unbounded imagination: "I simply want to go as far as my mind will take me." Recommended for public libraries and popular culture collections.
- Grove Koger, Boise P.L., Id.

Check out my new horror host book:
"Dr. Paul Bearer's Creature Feature"
-Horror Host -
Yep, another one I haven't gotten through.
Aello wrote:

Yep, another one I haven't gotten through.

Same here. It's pretty packed full of cool stuff though.
I took a break but never came back to it.
Check out my new horror host book:
"Dr. Paul Bearer's Creature Feature"
-Horror Host -
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